Admissions for SAI GLENMARK NCOE and junior development under come and play open at Dr SPMSPC New Delhi

Admissions for SAI GLENMARK NCOE and junior development under come and play open at Dr SPMSPC New Delhi



Applications are invited for elite swimmers at the SAI GLENMARK NCOE at Dr SPM Swimming Complex Delhi. All selected candidates will get free training and can avail for free boarding and lodging.

Selection Criteria

Applications are invited from swimmers born between the years 2006-2009 (both years inclusive).

Swimmers will be selected based on times achieved in any meet between April 1st 2022 to March 18th 2023. Only touchpad timings will be considered.

Please find below the cut off timings for admissions for boys and girls


Last date of applications is 18th March 2023. Results will be announced on or before 25th March 2023.

Swimming trials for swimmers for Junior development and Early competitive batch.

As a part of the come and play scheme by SAI, Applications are invited from young swimmers who wish to pursue the sport.

Swimming trials will be held at Dr SPM Swimming Complex on Sunday, 26 March 2023 from 3pm. The following ages and level of swimmers are sought:

  1. Junior Development, ages 6-9 years of age. These swimmers will train 3 afternoons a week from 4 – 5 pm (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). A maximum of 30 swimmers will be selected. Criteria for selection is young swimmers who are comfortable in the water,
    can swim some freestyle and backstroke and show the emotional readiness and preferably the physical attributes to progress well.
  2. Competitive 1. We have a maximum of 10 slots available for competitive swimmers between the ages of 9 and 12. This group trains six mornings a week, Mondays to Saturdays from 5.15am to 7.30am.

Our focus in this group is still very much on stroke development but also includes strong focus on aerobic development and racing skills.

None of the schemes offered by our coaches are short term. We are focussed on the long term development of the young athletes. We are not preparing young swimmers for instant results, but rather training then for success at senior level. It is important that parents and swimmers understand and accept this approach before applying or attending trials. Please note this training is provided under the come and play scheme for SAI.