Press Conference announcing 34th Glenmark Sub Junior National and 44th Glenmark Junior National Aquatic Championship
The press announcement for the 34th Glenmark Sub Junior National and 44th Glenmark Junior National Aquatic Championship was made at a press conference in Patrakar Bhavan in Pune on 26th June 2017.
Indian test cricketer Mr. Nilesh Kulkarni was the chief guest at the event. Mr. Peter Gartrell, Technical Director GAF and Mr. Kamlesh Nanavati, Secretary General SFI were also present on the Dias.
The details of the event and the contribution of Glenmark Aquatic Foundation to Indian swimming
The event was introduced by Mr Abhay Dhade, President MSAAA and Vice President SFI and Mr. Zubim America Secretary MSAAA presented the vote of thanks.